Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Remembering Ng Eng Teng

Have you seen the above sculpture in Singapore before? It was created by Ng Eng Teng. Who was Ng Eng Teng? Find out more from my latest post on Yesterday: Remembering Ng Eng Teng. Your comments on this Yesterday.sg post will be most appreciated.

Many thanks to the NUS Museum, NUS Centre for the Arts for providing me with the support and the permission to take non-flash photography of the exhibition Sculpturing Life.

By the way, it will be the NUS Museum Open House on 21 Aug 2008 (Thu) from 5 to 9 p.m. All are welcome.


eastcoastlife said...

I have seen this sculpture but forgot where. Now I know - Plaza Singapura. that was quite a long time ago.

NUS Open House, wonder if Jaymes is interested to go take a look. Not bright enough to study there can also go? :)

Doreen said...

That is quite an art! Beautiful sculpture. It is in gold colour?

oceanskies79 said...

eastcoastlife: Yes, it was located at Plaza Singapura. Thereafter, it was donated to NUS, and was placed near the NUS Central Library, and finally it is now just outside the University Cultural Centre.

Jaymes can go for the NUS Museum Open House, anytime.

oceanskies79 said...

Doreen: This sculpture is titled Wealth. It is made from ciment fondu. It looked like it's gold in colour....but I am not very sure. I've tried to check on this, but have yet to find the answer. Sorry.