Thursday, August 15, 2013

"What is essential is invisible to the eye" quoted in a Singapore film

Today, I watched the Singapore comedy-musical film, That Girl in Pinafore (我的朋友, 我的同学, 我爱过的一切), directed by Chai Yee-wei, starring Julie Tan, Daren Tan, Jayley Woo, Hayley Woo, Kenny Khoo, Seah Jiaqing and Kelvin Mun. This is the first Singapore film in 15 years to celebrate the success of 'Xinyao', the popular 90s Singaporean folk music movement.

Watching the film evokes a sense of nostalgia. Even though 'Xinyao' was not my main staple of music during the growing up years, I was delighted to listen to the songs that were popular during my childhood and teenage years.

I was pleasantly surprised and moved to see a quote from one of my favourite chapters (Chapter XXI) from Antoine de Saint Exupery's The Little Prince being shown for a few split-seconds in That Girl in Pinafore.
Now here is my secret, very simply: you can only see things clearly with your heart, what is essential is invisible to the eye.
What a lovely quote to mention for a film that celebrates friendship, the Xinyao folk music movement, and more.

Perhaps it is when we see with our heart that we could see clearly what is essential. This is such a lovely quote to remind us that beyond the superficial and the material, there are deeper meanings behind what is 'invisible to the eye'. Relationships matter and their meaning can only be felt with the heart.

Interestingly, one of my posts that mentioned the quote "What is essential is invisible to the eye", has one of the highest page-views on this blog.

The next surprise when I was watching That Girl in Pinafore was to see the building of my alma mater. I recommend this movie to you especially if you have at least heard a Xinyao song in your lifetime. It is available at Golden Village, Shaw and Filmgarde.

In the meantime, I shall end this post with a link to a YouTube video posted by hotciderfilms, 细水长流 XiShuiChangLiu 我的朋友家,我的同学我爱过的一切" 电影原声带 That Girl In Pinafore Soundtrack

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