Friday, August 04, 2006

One year ago

A few days ago, on the Wednesday, I attended orchestra rehearsal. During the break, the orchestra celebrated the birthday of our conductor. The celebration reminded us of the birthday celebration that we had for him a year ago, in Aberdeen.

I am missing Aberdeen and Scotland. The weather in Aberdeen should be fairly nice at this time of the year, and there will be no smoke and ashes from the burning of incense paper (it is a custom for many of the Chinese to burn incense paper during the seventh month of the lunar calendar).

On 4th of August last year, I had the pleasure to take a train ride from Aberdeen to Edinburgh with QH, XM and LL. We visited the Edinburgh Castle and The Scotch Whisky Heritage Centre. It still brings back fond memories to recall about what has happened a year ago.

Europe seems to be a captivating place to me. Some fellow bloggers have been to Europe recently, and here's sharing links to their blogs. Their recent posts are likely to have photographs of scenes from Europe:


A Creature called Jane

I wish to visit Europe again.

1 comment:

mistipurple said...

i am sure you will visit europe again. :)