Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Trying to make preparations

Tomorrow I am going to make a presentation to several teachers most whom I have never met. The purpose of the presentation is to give them an outline of a programme that we will be conducting in the school for students with low self-esteem. Yet, we alone cannot make things happen. We needed the teachers, who spend several hours every day with these students, to help us identify and refer students for the programme.

So in hope to make myself prepared for the presentation, I had considered the possibility of writing a post on self-esteem. But now, I am actually feeling quite tired from the long work day. The best I could muster is to cut-and-paste some of the relevant links so that I can read through them once again tomorrow.

Now, blogging can also be a good way to consolidate information regarding a particular topic, in this case, self-esteem.

It is alright if you were tell me that you are bored by this post. I am expecting that. But if you could please wish me all the best for the presentation, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance.



goldilocks said...

All the best, PY. Don't worry about the presentation; I'm sure you'd handle it very well. If you feel otherwise, just rehearse a few more times. It'd help.

T.K. Chapman said...

Best wishes for a good presentation! And thank you for your kind and encouraging words over at my blog. Happy New Year!

mistipurple said...

be encouraged. you will do a good presentation. you are professional and so you will. :)

pinkie said...

this is all so familiar... I'd checked these out years back for Justin. is really useful.

oceanskies79 said...

Thank you for the support. I needed it. My colleague said I did well, so I shall take her words.

Was actually feeling tired much of today. Had only about four hours of sleep....didn't sleep quite well.

Thanks for your encouraging words once again.

alfaqeer said...

ah im too late to wish you. but im glad it went well!! :)

oceanskies79 said...

Thanks socialpest.