Sunday, January 29, 2006

Homework and homework

First day of the lunar New Year.

To those who have sent me greetings, thank you and a Happy Chinese New Year to you and your loved ones.

Since my parents are only intending to visit one place today (i.e. my maternal grandmother's place), I have most of the day left to catch up on my rest and to work on the music theory homework that I was given.

I must have slept close to 12 hours from last night to the time that I woke up this morning. Pardon me, I have been feeling tired of this entire world lately. Hopefully the rest would help me recharge.

The topic for my last music theory lesson was First Inversions of Triads. My tutor explained the concepts and that helped in my understanding. There are now more rules to remember, and I found myself referring frequently to the notes while attempting to do my homework.

This week's homework is to complete three sets of questions whereby I am required to add the soprano, alto and tenor parts to the given basses. Each question took close to half an hour to complete. My music theory tutor told me that this was normal.

I like the challenge of attempting something new, and yet admittedly, when I found that doing the exercises was not as easy as it seems to be, I felt flustered. I guess that these are the normal experiences of learning.

My next piece of homework was to identify chords using the appropriate symbols of the extended roman system. Things got a bit more difficult when the 7th diatonic note was included. But otherwise, I have managed fine.

Next Thursday I will get a break from music theory classes because the music school declared next week as a week of holiday in view of the Chinese New Year season.

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