Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Drown oneself

The noises from the trade fair is back again. As to why it was located so near a residential area, I could only attempt to guess that it is because that way, the fair will be more accessible to the residents.

For yours truly who is now in great need for peace, I shall waste no time to figure out why the fair was located where it is now. I need all energy I could muster to stay sane in the face of the intrusions of the noises.

As such, I am plugging earphones into my ears and listening to music. I am now listening to Mahler's First Symphony played on the player.

I would rather drown myself in a tragic sounding piece of music than to face the noises from the trade fair. The latter will bring no value to my soul and mind.


mistipurple said...

the fair is located near the residential estates because if it is further, less people would go and browse around, amounting to less sales.
am sorry you are suffering so much from this. i think the noise level could be controlled. want to check with the police? they could lower a couple of decibels.

oceanskies79 said...

The thing is the noise isn't very loud particularly if you were on ground level, but because noises travel up, and somehow the environment has amplified the volume of the noises as it travel up, I could hear it loud and clear.....further more I am sensitive to noises.