Sunday, October 30, 2005

Low tides and boats

Boats could be likened to sculptures made from wood and other materials. They float and find their place on waters. When the tides are low, I don't know if boats would still float. But I suppose they would, so long as the water has not dried up. The water is their friend which they float on.


mistipurple said...

water is their friend on which the boats float on. i like the way you put things. i see tsunami in water at the moment. how morbid can i get. actually i am also a very 'dark' person. i just try not to get there. similarly to my high avoidance of sad songs.

pinkie said...

I'm thinking hard on this 'water is their friend which they float on'...

oceanskies79 said...

Hi Mistipurple and Pinkie:

Thanks for visiting.

About "Water is their friend which they float on.", it was inspiration at work. I thought it sounds nice and reflect a particular mood well.

Anonymous said...

So that's Singapore aye? It feels like I already have seen half of it thanks to all the pictures you make.

oceanskies79 said...

Yes, these are photos of Singapore. But there's more to Singapore than these.

Anonymous said...

I know, I've visited your other blog several times before ;)