Sunday, June 19, 2005

To see a specialist or not

When I met up with Mystic yesterday, she made a request if I could see a specialist soon for my bugging cough.

I must have been awfully tired of visiting the specialists and the doctors. The past few times that I saw the specialists, they had no clear diagnosis to my cough problems. Somehow, cough seems to be plaguing me since I was young. It often takes ages for me to recover from cough, and I cough very badly most of the times when I do get a cough.

The last time I saw a specialist, I was prescribed Flixonase, a nasal spray containing an amount of steriods. I had to go through examinations and tests.

I must say, I am resistant to the idea of seeing a specialist. My experiences with specialists have not been fruitful enough for me to consider it as an early option.

Yet, sometimes the cough can get quite bad. Today, I found strains of blood in my phlegm. I must have coughed too badly and heavily.

I am still resistant to seeing a specialist. I have kind of lose hopes in curing the cough. Maybe to the point that I am resigned to the possibility of dying from it. Then again, I learnt to have faith that life has much pleasant affairs installed for me despite its ups and downs. I should at least give a serious consideration about seeing a specialist despite my unwillingness. There are still much to be explored in this short lifetime.

For now, I am contemplating. But please do not push me into it. I hate to be pushed into doing things, terribly.


mistipurple said...

yes, you have much to live for. you are a talented person and you feel for your clients. maybe that is also why you get hit by the blues.
specialists or general practitioners, if i may say, can be as helpful. it's finding the right one. i wish you well in your search and your cure. meantime try to keep your resistance up by having enough rest. your body will also do her part i am sure.

Lora said...

They gave you a nasl steroid for a persistant cough? Whatever you do see a different specialist they time because that just doesn't make ant sense.

ruoxin said...

u can try seeing a lung/chest specialist. its on the 9th level of the medical centre at gleneagles. and yes, i cant remember the name of the doc now but he's good and expensive at the same time. heh...

mistipurple said...

hope u had a good sunday ocean! wish you all good things to come.

oceanskies79 said...

I saw a specialist from the respiratory medicine late last year. They said there was nothing wrong with my chest and lungs.....but said my nose could have been sensitive, and the nasal spray seems to help alleviate my coughs last year.

Could anyone sense how I am feeling frustrated with treatment?

mistipurple said...

dear ocean, i can empathize with you. it is very frustrating. i went through years of diagnosis and spent a trillion. i even wished then that they could find out the problem, even if it was fatal, so that at least i knew what was wrong. worse still, at some point, the medical people themselves thought i was cuckoo.
at the end of it, i read some books myself and 'cured' myself of some of the gnawing symptoms.
anyway to cut a long story short, you must build up your immunity by resting and eating well. nature will take care of the rest. and, yes, it is good to see a doctor, especially one whom you are comfortable with, and one who is sensitive to your medical needs. i wish you success in finding this doctor.

mistipurple said...

i forgot to add, i prayed.