Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Blogger on sick leave

I must have some powers in prophecy? I was able to sense that I would be falling ill. The doctor confirmed this when I saw her this evening. Actually, most people should have some powers in sensing that they needed better health? Wish me health, please.

Runny nose had made it difficult for me to have a good sleep last night. After much tossing and turning on the bed, I rose from my bed at about 1.30 a.m. To try to wear myself to sleep, I did some reading. Read a tour guide on Scotland. Thank goodness that I had managed to get some hours of sleep eventually.

The nose is runny and at times, blocked. The doctor said I had "xxx infection", but I was too tired to listen carefully to remember the diagnosis. She said if my symptoms were worse, she would treat me with antibotics. But she said I should be doing fine, because my symptoms were considered mild for such infection. As such, she recommended that my body defence system shall work on its own to fight the infection. To relieve the symptoms, she gave me medicine to relieve the blocked nose and the runny nose. Then she gave me a medical certificate for medical leave for a day. I hope I don't have to get to use it. Tomorrow is the day for orchestra rehearsal, and I hope to practise. Also, tomorrow at the workplace, we will be having a farewell lunch for our immediate supervisor who's leaving the company soon.

Anyway, if there's such thing as sick leave on the blogosphere, here's submiting my sick leave application. If you don't see me for the next few days, please do not panic. I would probably be working towards recovery.

If my writing is being missed, perhaps I shall refer my readers to read the posts in the archives. Whether you have followed me through my writings since Day One or whether you have came only recently, I hope the re-reading of my previous posts might give you some new insights or perspectives to my way of seeing the world.

Till I'm back (and I hope that will be soon), please take care. Good health to you!


Lora said...

Hope you feel better soon. Get lots of rest and don't try to do to much.

mistipurple said...

rest well. hope you will be stronger soon.

pinkie said...

Get well soon k...

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I was wondering where you were! Get well soon.

mistipurple said...

checking in on you.. hope u r feeling better today.

oceanskies79 said...

Hi all, thanks for the well-wishes.

I was just back home about 20 minutes ago from orchestra rehearsal. Needed some rest soon, so my apologies that I won't be able to write a post today.

Take care folks. Thank you for your concern and kindness.

mistipurple said...

don't worry about writing a post when you need that time to rest k? we will be here waiting for you still! :)