Monday, January 24, 2005

Respect and appreciate works of art

Yesterday, I was at the Esplanade Park with my friend Mystic. Since the weather was good for taking photographs, I very gladly took several photographs of the sculptures by Botero that were there.

It has been a while since the sculptures were exhibited at the Esplanade Park. The Esplanade Park seemed to look more interesting and artistic with the presence of these sculptures. Quite a number of tourists also pass by the area to take a look at some of the monuments located nearby the park. Supposedly, there would be lots of people who could be blessed with the chance to view and appreciate these sculptures.

Nature can produce destructive forces but it did not seem to have spoiled any of these sculptures to much signifcance. So it was disappointing, that man-made forces have caused damages to several of the spot-lights that were meant to throw light at the sculptures when the day turns dark. I would cry if I were the artist.

If it helps, let this post be a gentle reminder for us all to give due respect and appreciate these works of art. They were meant to add some beauty to our lives. Surely keeping them the way that they were meant to be would be within our control?

1 comment:

mistipurple said...

thank you for dropping by! i am happy you enjoyed your walks. thank you for bringing me along on your trips! i get to see so many places and experience so many things thru your eyes! this wouldnt have been possible for me cos i lack the physical condition to walk the rounds. so pei yun, i have been allowed to go so many places because of you! thank you! :)