Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Dedication to a friend

Should this friend of mine visit this blog in the near future, I hope she would find some encouragement and comfort from this post. This is a post dedicated to this friend to cheer for her during this busy and hectic period. In this post, there is a hidden message to encourage her and give her support. Yet it is meant to be a hidden message, so there is some deciphering to be done.

Hopefully, my friend won't be too stressed, and with a reasonable degree of composure and intuition, she would be able to decipher the hidden message. I understand that she has been supporting me by trying to read my blog whenever she is free. Well, I haven't seen her post any comment ever since her last one on my Hippotours, but I guess I could call her a supporter who supports quietly.

Understandly, I suppose this is one of those times that she is swamped with responsibilities, work loads, presentations and social commitments. I wish I could give her a cheer in my complex yet sincere way by composing this post.

Yes, for your information, it can prove to be tricky to try to write a post to comfort a friend while trying to include a hidden yet encouraging message in the very post.

I must admit I am keeping my fingers crossed that this entire concept would work out well. Maybe it is my way of showing friendship, but truely, I ain't sure if my writing this post would give my dear friend the encouragement that this post was intended to. Anyway, I am including a line of stars in hope to brighten her day, and night.


Just in case this friend of mine does not know where to start deciphering and uncoding the hidden message, allow me to give her some clues: Each paragraph on this post will help give her a letter. But I suppose she would really have to squint her eyes unless she has heard about the concept of "first thing first". Then if she were to string all the letters together, hopefully she would have found the embedded message.

I shall plead here that if you were to decipher the hidden message, please do not post the answer on my blog. It is meant, a hidden message, so please let it be. Thank you. Of course, if you were to think that my clues haven't been clear, you are welcome to help me refine my clues. Just please, no answer, would you?

Anyway, the writing of this post does require some careful planning and thought. It brings me to wonder whether my friend has been drained by all the planning and thought required of her for her presentations. I just hope she would find ways to recharge.

Yesterday, I spoke to her over the phone, and she did sound very bored with how things have been. I would say there is an element of lethargy in her voice. Maybe I was just sensitive.

Over soon would be, this time of challenges. Yet again, life often presents us with one challenge after another. Life, I suppose, has its ups and downs, and there will be no moment whereby there is no challenge to face. I just hope that time will tell, that despite all these challenges, my friend has the strength to move on, and survive them all. Perhaps this is what people term as growth and development?

Unusally it may seem, I have not even mention my friend's name at all in this post. But hopefully, she would be able to tell from my clues that this post was meant for her. Finally I would end this post with a message for her: Hang on there, dear. Things are likely to get better. Warm wishes, p.y.


mistipurple said...

you are a good friend. told you that you are one of those who keeps others going. my best wishes to your friend too! let us all try to keep each other up!

mistipurple said...

anyway... i got your message! your clues are clear! just to let you know!

oceanskies79 said...

mistipurple, Thank you for your support. Have a pleasant day.

Terrible lie said...
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Goat Almighty said...

haha thank God, my knowledge of "a certain language" is sufficient enough for this.